I had my eyebrows done by Tina and they look great! I bought the brow kit and went home and couldn’t do my brows as well as Tina. What do I do?

Tina will show you step by step how to accomplish a beautiful and natural brow at home, With a little practice, you will get the hang of it and it will only take you 2 minutes in the morning to achieve success.

Where can I find some customer testimonials?

Tina has several satisfied and happy clients that have provided testimonials. You can read them by clicking on the Testimonials link at the top of each page or you can click here to read some. After you have received a facial or have had your brows expertly sculpted, we would appreciate your feedback and a testimonial too.

I have a scar on my eyebrow. Will the hair ever grow back on it?

Unfortunately no. Hair does not grow on scar tissue but you can use brow powder to cover the affected areas and it will look very natural.

If I tweeze my eyebrows every day, will they ever grow back?

Yes, if you leave them alone and do absolutely no tweezing and use the BROW SERUM I sell they will grow back. In the mean time, you can use brow powder to fill in the brow until they are completely grown in to give you the look you want to achieve.

My eyebrows are very uneven. Hair grows out on one brow and not on the other. What do I do?

First of all, eyebrows are like sisters not twins. They are related but not the same. Some people have cowlicks in their brows and their brows grow in different directions. So, I work with the brows NOT against them by shaping and trimming them. Then I use brow gel to train the brow(s) to lay down properly.